About Richard Vance Cars

Richard Vance has accumulated 30 years experience in the local NI Motor Industry, starting with Neville Johnston Garages (Toyota & Lexus) in 1990, becoming Supra specialist in 1993, Lexus Sales Manager in 1995, & most recently as General Manager of the new Lexus Belfast showroom since it opened in 2002.

2011 saw the formation of 'Richard Vance Cars' where Richard guarantees to put his extensive experience, his sound honest reputation, & his massive network of trade contacts to good use by delivering EXCEPTIONAL VALUE & INTEGRITY to a whole range of customers, both new & existing.

Our business model is designed for TODAY's difficult marketplace, with low overheads & low margins enabling us to deliver on our promise of exceptional value.

For many people the days of paying £2k or £3k extra for the privilege of dealing within multi million pound car showrooms are over!

Let us use our knowledge, & our UK wide contacts, to SOURCE your next NEW OR USED car & save you money in the process. We are able to source & sell any type of car, to suit literally any budget, & are happy to give any other assistance we can provide.

People buy from people, and you will only ever be dealing with the decision maker, Richard himself, & only ever buying a car that has been personally hand picked for stock by him, or traded in directly from the previous owner.

We sell a low volume of high quality specialist cars, with a completely personal service structured around you & your requirements.

Vehicles for Sale at Richard Vance Cars

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